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Madrasah Rules

Teachers and staff, with the help of students, will promote an environment where no child will keep another from learning or a teacher from teaching. Students will be considerate to others, property, and self.

1. All students will be courteous, kind, and respectful to others.
2. Do not touch another student or teachers’ private property.
3. Feelings and emotions should be expressed appropriately.
4. Gossiping, profanity, name calling, teasing, fighting, or bullying will not be tolerated.
5. Students are expected to follow directions the first time.
6. Students should arrive in their dua period classroom on time.
7. No cell phones in classrooms unless permission is granted by the teacher.
8. Students will be expected to pay for any damage or lost property of the madrasah.
9. Strictly NO PHONES / GADGETS allowed during madrasah hours.

Regarding phones, farzando na nazdeek phones / Gadgets hase toh Admin office ma deposit thai jaase. Parents FINAL EXAMS BAAD office ma si haasil kari sakse. For emergency Parents / Students can communicate through Admin office / teachers.

Keep in mind that each teacher keeps their own class rules and consequences and will communicate the rules and consequences to the students. Parents should contact the teacher if you have any questions about classroom rules.

The Head Moallim manages continued classroom disruptions and misbehavior as he sees fit.

A discipline behavior notification will be given for the following and other behaviors not listed as decided by the Head Moallim, Administration or Teacher.
1. Skipping any period during madrasah without permission
2. Leaving madrasah premises without teacher or admin permission.
3. Having an uncooperative attitude
4. Disregarding the direction of a teacher or admin
5. Being dishonest or disrespectful
6. Bothering others: pushing, hurting another student, fighting, bullying of any type
7. Being habitually tardy
8. Disrupting the class
9. Using unacceptable language or swearing
10. Breaking madrasah property
11. Other behavior as not considered fit by a teacher, admin, or Head Moallim

Consequences (Not necessarily in this order)
• A verbal warning
• Removed from classroom to meet Head Moallim
• Email to parent or phone call
• Teacher-parent-student conference
• Teacher-parent-student-Head Moallim conference
• Suspension from all academic and extra-curricular activity. (Followed by an administrator’s meeting with parents and student before readmission)